Other board members elected include Gladie Rabitz, Janet Jacobson, Marilyn Cosden, Dru Barth, and Terri Spice of Los Gatos. Board members from San Jose are Joan Duncan, Susan Scharlach, Carol Premo, Kathy Kelley, and Karen Maxwell. Susan Levine is from Sunnyvale.
Last year the Los Gatos-Saratoga Chapter of Assistance League provided programs for over 3,500 students living at or below the poverty line in Los Gatos, Campbell Union, Moreland, and Luther Burbank School Districts including warm jackets, new shoes, and books to take home and keep, partial scholarships to Science Camp, dictionaries, and one-on-one tutoring for students behind their peers.
Two new programs were introduced last year. Volunteers in the Garden offered middle schoolers the opportunity to grow vegetables in their school garden and then taste their crops as they learned about nutrition and farm to table concepts. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) offered kindergartners through 5th graders hands on engineering experience to encourage their interest in these areas as well as to develop key engineering concepts.
Members and donors are always needed to help the organization expand and grow.