Who are the Happy Cookers? Approximately twenty-five members and friends of Assistance League of Los Gatos-Saratoga who shop, plan, prepare and serve lunches 4 days a week at the Saratoga Senior Adult Day Care Center. These volunteers are happy because they love what they do. They not only love cooking, but they have fun sharing several hours together on an assigned cooking day to bring nutritious meals to local seniors like barbecued chicken sandwiches, honey chili chicken with coconut rice or meatball sandwiches with fresh steamed vegetables and even a fresh-from-the-oven dessert on some days.
Approximately 4,200 lunches were served during the past year to seniors who participate in this program at the Saratoga Senior Adult Day Care Center. Our volunteers make a point of putting together “comfort food” meals that are enjoyed so much that a common question has become “What’s for lunch?” The dedication of the Happy Cookers to this program, and their wide variety of good food, enhances the health and well-being of these seniors both physically and emotionally.
A special thanks to Chair Linda Krain and her committee of Happy Cookers who make it all happen. Happy cookers and happy seniors!