This year’s recipient is a charter member who went to a meeting she thought was a meeting for another non-profit. However, she enjoyed these women so much, she decided to join and became a member of Assistance League of Los Gatos-Saratoga. She has attended many National Conferences; been the chair of the membership committee; worked endless hours on special events; played with children in the exercise and nutrition program and purchased bus tokens for clients in the family programs. She has also helped staff The Store; made baby bundles and cooked for and organized annual baby shower events. She volunteered to be co-chair of the Clothes for Kids; been an active reader in the Literacy program and was co-chair of the Assisteens® Auxiliary for 2 years at the beginning of this program. She was a nouvelle leader for 2 years and has been an active participant in almost every fund-raising activity since joining. She currently chairs the Senior Lunch Program organizing the cookers and cooking meals weekly for seniors at a local adult day care center.
Her character speaks volumes. She has defended and validated the actions of youths in the community through her observing and listening to them. She has the personality to be a friend to all and the friend we most want in our lives. She is forever generous, caring and supportive in times of need, a good listener and fun to be around. She truly mirrors the spirit and intent of the Ada Laughlin Award.
Who is this year’s Ada Laughlin Award winner? The one who sets an example of commitment to and caring for those in our community…the one and only LINDA KRAIN. Congratulations!